The codes in these crosswalks were selected based on the most commonly used ICD-9 codes according to historical MedStar Health coding data and from professional coding associations, and are ordered by frequency of use.
Not all the codes you need are contained in this list. For a comprehensive list of ICD-10 codes, use Diagnosis Assistant or the IMO Anywhere tool.
Code | Description (ICD-9 codes are in blue) |
185 | Malignant neoplasm of prostate |
C61 | Malignant neoplasm of prostate |
600.01 | Hypertrophy (benign) of prostate with urinary obstruction and other lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) |
| Two codes are required in ICD-10-CM: |
N40.1 | Enlarged prostate with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS); AND |
N13.8 |
Other obstructive and reflux uropathy |
** Note under N40.1 states- Use additional code for associated
symptoms, when specified: |
| - Incomplete bladder emptying (R39.14) |
| - Nocturia (R35.1) |
- Straining on urination (R39.16) |
| - Urinary frequency (R35.0) |
| - Urinary hesitancy (R39.11) |
| - Urinary incontinence (N39.4-) |
| - Urinary obstruction (N13.8) |
| - Urinary retention (R33.8) |
| - Urinary urgency (R39.15) |
| - Weak urinary stream (R39.12) |
** Note under N13.8 states- Code first, if applicable, any causal
condition, such as: |
| - Enlarged prostate (N40.1) |
788.20 | Retention of urine, unspecified |
R33.9 | Retention of urine, unspecified |
R33.0 | Drug induced retention of urine |
** Use additional code for adverse effect, if applicable, to
identify drug (T36-T50 with fifth or sixth character 5) |
R33.8 |
Other retention of urine |
** Code first, if applicable, any causal condition, such as:
enlarged prostate (N40.1) |
188.9 | Malignant neoplasm of bladder, part unspecified |
C67.9 | Malignant neoplasm of bladder, unspecified |
C67.0 | Malignant neoplasm of trigone of bladder |
C67.1 |
Malignant neoplasm of dome of bladder |
C67.2 |
Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of bladder |
C67.3 |
Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of bladder |
C67.4 |
Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of bladder |
C67.5 |
Malignant neoplasm of bladder neck |
C67.6 |
Malignant neoplasm of ureteric orifice |
C67.7 |
Malignant neoplasm of urachus |
C67.8 |
Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of bladder |
607.84 | Impotence of organic origin |
N52.9 | Male erectile dysfunction, unspecified |
N52.01 | Erectile dysfunction due to arterial insufficiency |
N52.02 |
Corporo-venous occlusive erectile dysfunction |
N52.03 |
Combined arterial insufficiency and corporo-venous
occlusive erectile dysfunction |
N52.1 |
Erectile dysfunction due to diseases classified elsewhere |
** Code first underlying disease |
N52.2 |
Drug-induced erectile dysfunction |
N52.31 |
Erectile dysfunction following radical prostatectomy |
N52.32 |
Erectile dysfunction following radical cystectomy |
N52.33 |
Erectile dysfunction following urethral surgery |
N52.34 |
Erectile dysfunction following simple prostatectomy |
N52.39 |
Other post-surgical erectile dysfunction |
N52.8 |
Other male erectile dysfunction |
592.0 | Calculus of kidney |
N20.0 | Calculus of kidney |
N20.9 | Urinary calculus; unspecified |
N20.2 |
Calculus of kidney and ureter |
790.93 | Elevated prostate specific antigen (PSA) |
R97.2 | Elevated prostate specific antigen (PSA) |
788.21 | lncomplete bladder emptying |
N20.2 | Calculus of kidney with calculus of ureter |
788.31 | Urge incontinence |
N39.41 | Urge incontinence |
592.1 | Calculus of ureter |
N20.1 | Calculus of ureter |
N20.2 | Calculus of kidney with calculus of ureter |
596.54 | Neurogenic bladder NOS |
N31.9 | Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder, unspecified |
N31.0 | Uninhibited neuropathic bladder, not elsewhere classified |
N31.1 |
Reflex neuropathic bladder, not elsewhere classified |
N31.2 |
Flaccid neuropathic bladder, not elsewhere classified |
N31.8 |
Other neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder |
** Use additional code to identify any associated urinary I incontinence (N39.3-N39.4-) |
189.0 | Malignant neoplasm of kidney, except pelvis |
C64.1 | Malignant neoplasm of right kidney, except renal pelvis |
C64.2 | Malignant neoplasm of left kidney, except renal pelvis |
C64.9 |
Malignant neoplasm of unspecified kidney, except renal
pelvis |
788.41 | Urinary frequency |
R35.0 | Frequency of micturition |
| ** Code first, if applicable, any causal condition, such as enlarged prostate |
599.0 | Urinary tract infection, site not specified |
N39.0 | Urinary tract infection, site not specified |
N30.00 | ** Use additional code (B95-B97)to identify infectious agent |
N30.01 |
Acute cystitis without hematuria |
N30.02 |
Acute cystitis with hematuria |
N30.10 | Interstitial cystitis (chronic) without hematuria |
N30.11 |
Interstitial cystitis (chronic) with hematuria |
N30.20 |
Other chronic cystitis without hematuria |
N30.21 |
Other chronic cystitis with hematuria |
N30.30 |
Trigonitis without hematuria |
N30.31 |
Trigonitis with hematuria |
N30.40 |
Irradiation cystitis without hematuria |
N30.41 |
Irradiation cystitis with hematuria |
N30.80 |
Other cystitis without hematuria |
N30.81 |
Other cystitis with hematuria |
N30.90 |
Cystitis, unspecified without hematuria |
N30.91 |
Cystitis, unspecified with hematuria |
N15.9 |
Renal tubule-interstitial disease, unspecified |
N34.1 |
Nonspecific urethritis |
N34.2 |
Other urethritis |
625.6 | Stress incontinence, female |
N39.3 | Stress incontinence (female) (male) |
| ** Code also any associated overactive bladder (N32.81). |
599.71 | Gross hematuria |
R31.0 | Gross hematuria |
R31.1 | Benign essential microscopic hematuria |
R31.2 |
Other microscopic hematuria |
R31.9 |
Unspecified hematuria |
788.32 | Stress incontinence, male |
N39.3 | Stress incontinence (female) (male) |
| ** Code also any associated overactive bladder (N32.81). |
239.5 | Neoplasm of unspecified nature, other genitourinary organs |
D49.5 | Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of other genitourinary organs |
605 | Redundant prepuce and phimosis |
N47.0 | Adherent prepuce, newborn |
N47.1 | Phimosis |
N47.2 |
Paraphimosis |
N47.8 |
Other disorders of prepuce |
598.9 | Urethral stricture, unspecified |
N35.9 | Urethral stricture, unspecified |
N35.010 | Post-traumatic urethral stricture, male, meatal |
N35.011 |
Post-traumatic bulbous urethral stricture |
N35.012 |
Post-traumatic membranous urethral stricture |
N35.013 |
Post-traumatic anterior urethral stricture |
N35.014 |
Post-traumatic urethral stricture, male, unspecified |
N35.021 |
Urethral stricture due to childbirth |
N35.028 |
Other post-traumatic urethral stricture, female |
N35.111 |
Postinfective urethral stricture, not elsewhere
classified, male, meatal |
N35.112 |
Postinfective bulbous urethral stricture, not
elsewhere classified |
N35.113 |
Postinfective membranous urethral stricture, not
elsewhere classified |
N35.114 |
Postinfective anterior urethral stricture, not elsewhere
classified |
N35.119 |
Postinfective urethral stricture, not elsewhere
classified, male, unspecified |
N35.12 |
Postinfective urethral stricture, not elsewhere
classified, female |
N35.8 |
Other urethral stricture, unspecified |
591 | Hydronephrosis |
N13.30 | Unspecified hydronephrosis |
N13.1 | Hydronephrosis with ureteral stricture, not elsewhere classified |
N13.2 |
Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculus obstruction |
N13.39 |
Other hydronephrosis |
603.9 | Hydrocele, unspecified |
N43.3 | Hydrocele, unspecified |
N43.0 | Encysted hydrocele |
N43.1 |
Infected hydrocele |
** Use additional code (B95-B97) to identify infectious agent |
N43.2 |
Other hydrocele |
239.4 | Neoplasm of unspecified nature, bladder |
D49.4 | Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of bladder |
788.43 | Nocturia |
R35.1 | Nocturia |
257.2 | Other testicular hypofunction |
E29.1 | Testicular hypofunction |
| ** Use additional code for adverse effect, if applicable, to identify drug (T36-T50 with fifth or sixth character 5) |
600.91 | Hyperplasia of prostate, unspecified, with urinary obstruction and other lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) |
N40.1 | Two codes are required in ICD-10-CM: |
| Enlarged prostate with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS); AND |
N13.8 |
Other obstructive and reflux uropathy |
** Note under N40.1 states- Use additional code for associated
symptoms, when specified: |
| - Incomplete bladder emptying (R39.14) |
| - Nocturia (R35.1) |
- Straining on urination (R39.16) |
| - Urinary frequency (R35.0) |
| - Urinary hesitancy (R39.11) |
| - Urinary incontinence (N39.4-) |
| - Urinary obstruction (N13.8) |
| - Urinary retention (R33.8) |
| - Urinary urgency (R39.15) |
| - Weak urinary stream (R39.12) |
** Note under N13.8 states- Code first, if applicable, any causal
condition, such as: |
| - Enlarged prostate (N40.1) |
594.1 | Other calculus in bladder |
N21.0 | Calculus in bladder |
595.2 | Other chronic cystitis |
N30.20 | Other chronic cystitis without hematuria |
N30.21 | Other chronic cystitis with hematuria |
** Use additional code to identify infectious agent (B95-B97). |
601.1 | Chronic prostatitis |
N41.1 | Chronic prostatitis |
600.00 | Hypertrophy (benign) of prostate without urinary obstruction and other lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) |
N40.0 | Enlarged prostate without lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) |
752.51 | Undescended testis |
Q53.10 | Unspecified undescended testicle, unilateral |
Q53.11 | Abdominal testicle, unilateral |
Q53.12 |
Ectopic perineal testis, unilateral |
Q53.20 |
Undescended testicle, unspecified, bilateral |
Q53.21 |
Abdominal testis, bilateral |
Q53.22 |
Ectopic perineal testis, bilateral |
Q53.9 |
Hypospadias, unspecified |
788.30 | Urinary incontinence, unspecified |
R32 | Unspecified urinary incontinence |
R39.81 | Functional urinary incontinence |
F98.0 |
Non-organic origin |
N39.3 |
Stress incontinence (female) (male) |
** Code also associated overactive bladder (N32.81) |
N39.41 |
Urge incontinence |
N39.42 |
Incontinence without sensory awareness |
N39.43 |
Post-void dribbling |
N39.44 |
Nocturnal enuresis |
N39.45 |
Continuous leakage |
N39.46 |
Mixed incontinence |
N39.490 |
Overflow incontinence |
N39.498 |
Other specified urinary incontinence |
** Code also any associated overactive bladder (N32.81) |
595.1 | Chronic interstitial cystitis |
N30.10 | ** Interstitial cystitis (chronic) without hematuria |
N30.11 | ** Interstitial cystitis (chronic) with hematuria |
593.4 | Other ureteric obstruction |
N13.8 | Other obstructive and reflux uropathy |
| ** Code first, if applicable, any causal condition, such as: enlarged prostate (N40.1). |
788.63 | Urgency of urination |
R39.15 | Urgency of urination |
| ** Code first, if applicable, any causal condition, such as enlarged prostate (N40.1). |
585.9 | Chronic kidney disease, unspecified |
N18.9 | Chronic kidney disease, unspecified |
N18.1 | Chronic kidney disease, stage 1 |
N18.2 |
Chronic kidney disease, stage 2 (mild) |
N18.3 |
Chronic kidney disease, stage 3 (moderate) |
N18.4 |
Chronic kidney disease, stage 4 (severe) |
N18.5 |
Chronic kidney disease, stage 5 |
N18.6 |
End stage renal disease |
** Code first any associated: |
Diabetic chronic kidney disease (E08.22, E09.22, E10.22,
E11.22, E13.22) |
Hypertensive chronic kidney disease (112-, 113-) |
Use additional code to identify kidney transplant status, if
applicable (Z94.0) |
** Use additional code to identify dialysis status (Z99.2) |
788.1 | Dysuria |
R30.0 | Dysuria |
593.2 | Cyst of kidney, acquired |
N28.1 | Cyst of kidney, acquired |
599.72 | Microscopic hematuria |
R31.1 | Benign essential microscopic hematuria |
R31.2 | Other microscopic hematuria |
607.1 | Balanoposthitis |
N47.6 | Balanoposthitis |
N48.1 | Balanitis |
** Use additional code (B95-B97) to identify infectious agent. |
789.00 | Abdominal pain, unspecified site |
R10.9 | Unspecified abdominal pain |
R10.0 | Acute abdomen |
R10.10 |
Upper abdominal pain, unspecified |
R10.11 |
Right upper quadrant pain |
R10.12 |
Left upper quadrant pain |
R10.13 |
Epigastric pain |
R10.2 |
Pelvic and perineal pain |
R10.30 |
Lower abdominal pain, unspecified |
R10.31 |
Right lower quadrant pain |
R10.32 |
Left lower quadrant pain |
R10.33 |
Periumbilical pain |
R10.84 |
Generalized abdominal pain |
599.70 | Hematuria, unspecified |
R31.9 | Hematuria, unspecified |
R31.0 | Gross hematuria |
R31.1 |
Benign essential microscopic hematuria |
R31.2 |
Other microscopic hematuria |
N02.0 |
Recurrent and persistent hematuria with minor
glomerular abnormality |
N02.1 |
Recurrent and persistent hematuria with focal and
segmental glomerular lesions |
N02.2 |
Recurrent and persistent hematuria with diffuse
membranous glomerulonephritis |
N02.3 |
Recurrent and persistent hematuria with diffuse
mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis |
N02.4 |
Recurrent and persistent hematuria with diffuse
endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis |
N02.5 |
Recurrent and persistent hematuria with diffuse
mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis |
N02.6 |
Recurrent and persistent hematuria with dense deposit
disease |
N02.7 |
Recurrent and persistent hematuria with diffuse
crescentic glomerulonephritis |
N02.8 |
Recurrent and persistent hematuria with other
morphologic changes |
N02.9 |
Recurrent and persistent hematuria with unspecified
morphologic changes |
752.61 | Hypospadias |
Q54.9 | Hypospadias, unspecified |
Q54.0 | Hypospadias, balanic |
Q54.1 |
Hypospadias, penile |
Q54.2 |
Hypospadias, penoscrotal |
Q54.3 |
Hypospadias, perinea |
Q54.8 |
Other hypospadias |
596.9 | Unspecified disorder of bladder |
N32.9 | Bladder disorder, unspecified |
N32.0 | Bladder neck obstruction |
N32.3 |
Diverticulum of bladder |
788.36 | Nocturnal enuresis |
N39.44 | Nocturnal enuresis |
600.10 | Nodular prostate without urinary obstruction |
N40.0 | Enlarged prostate without lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) |
608.9 | Unspecified disorder of male genital organs |
N50.9 | Disorder of male genital organs, unspecified |
607.85 | Peyronie's disease |
N48.6 | Peyronie's disease |
604.90 | Orchitis and epididymitis, unspecified |
N45.1 | Epididymitis |
N45.2 | Orchitis |
N45.3 |
Epididymo-orchitis |
** Use additional code (B95-B97) to identify infectious agent |
608.1 | Spermatocele |
N43.40 | Spermatocele of epididymis, unspecified |
N43.41 | Spermatocele of epididymis, single |
N43.42 |
Spermatocele of epididymis, multiple |
598.2 | Postoperative urethral stricture |
N99.110 | Postprocedural urethral stricture, male, meatal |
N99.111 | Postprocedural bulbous urethral stricture |
N99.112 |
Postprocedural membranous urethral stricture |
N99.113 |
Postprocedural anterior urethral stricture |
N99.114 |
Postprocedural urethral stricture, male, unspecified |
N99.12 |
Postprocedural urethral stricture, female |