The codes in these crosswalks were selected based on the most commonly used ICD-9 codes according to historical MedStar Health coding data and from professional coding associations, and are ordered by frequency of use.
Not all the codes you need are contained in this list. For a comprehensive list of ICD-10 codes, use Diagnosis Assistant or the IMO Anywhere tool.
Code | Description (ICD-9 codes are in blue) |
362.52 | Exudative Macular Degeneration |
H35.32 | Exudative age-related macular degeneration |
366.19 | Senile Cataract NEC |
H25.819 | Combined forms of age-related cataract, unspecified eye |
H25.89 | Other age-related cataract |
H25.811 |
Combined forms of age-related cataract, right eye |
H25.812 |
Combined forms of age-related cataract, left eye |
H25.813 |
Combined forms of age-related cataract, bilateral |
250.50 | Diabetes with ophthalmic manifestations, type II or unspecified type, not state as uncontrolled ------ |
E11.311 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with unspecified diabetic retinopathy with macular edema |
E11.319 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with unspecified diabetic retinopathy without macular edema |
E11.36 |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
E11.39 |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other diabetic ophthalmic
complication |
E11.321 |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative
diabetic retinopathy with macular edema |
E11.329 |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative
diabetic retinopathy without macular edema |
E11.331 |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative
diabetic retinopathy with macular edema |
E11.339 |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative
diabetic retinopathy without macular edema |
E11.341 |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative
diabetic retinopathy with macular edema |
E11.349 |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative
diabetic retinopathy without macular edema |
E11.351 |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic
retinopathy with macular edema |
E11.359 |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic
retinopathy without macular edema |
E13.331 |
Other specified diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative
diabetic retinopathy with macular edema |
E13.339 |
Other specified diabetes mellitus with moderate
nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular
edema |
E13.341 |
Other specified diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative
diabetic retinopathy with macular edema |
E13.349 |
Other specified diabetes mellitus with severe non proliferative
diabetic retinopathy without macular edema |
E13.351 |
Other specified diabetes mellitus with proliferative
diabetic retinopathy with macular edema |
E13.359 |
Other specified diabetes mellitus with proliferative
diabetic retinopathy without macular edema |
E13.36 |
Other specified diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
E13.39 |
Other specified diabetes mellitus with other diabetic
ophthalmic complication |
365.11 | Primary open angle glaucoma |
H40.11X0 | Primary open-angle glaucoma, stage unspecified |
H40.11X1 | Primary open-angle glaucoma, mild stage |
H40.11X2 |
Primary open-angle glaucoma, moderate stage |
H40.11X3 |
Primary open-angle glaucoma. severe stage |
H40.11X4 |
Primary open-angle glaucoma, indeterminate stage |
362.51 | Nonexudative senile macular degeneration |
H35.31 | Nonexudative age-related macular degeneration |
366.16 | Nuclear sclerosis |
H25.10 | Age-related nucle ar cataract, unspecified eye |
H25.11 | Age-related nuclear cataract, right eye |
H25.12 |
Age-related nuclear cataract, left eye |
H25.13 |
Age-related nuclear cataract, bilateral |
365.00 | Preglaucoma, unspecified |
H40.009 | Preglaucoma, unspecified, unspecified eye |
H40.001 | Preglaucoma, unspecified, right eye |
H40.002 |
Preglaucoma, unpecified, left eye |
H40.003 |
Preglaucoma, unpecified, bilateral |
250.00 | Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication, type II or unspecified type, not state as uncontrolled |
E11.9 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus without complications |
365.04 | Ocular hypertension |
H40.059 | Ocular hypertension, unspecified eye |
H40.051 | Ocular hypertension, right eye |
H40.052 |
Ocular hypertension, left eye |
H40.053 |
Ocular hypertension, bilateral |
365.12 | Low tension glaucoma |
H40.1290 | Low-tension g laucoma, unspecified eye. stage unspecified |
H40.1210 | Low-tension glaucoma, right eye, stage unspecified |
H40.1211 |
Low-tension glaucoma, right eye, mild stage |
H40.1212 |
Low-tension glaucoma, right eye, moderate stage |
H40.1213 |
Low- tension glaucoma, right eye, severe stage |
H40.1220 |
Low-tension glaucoma, left eye, stage unspecified |
H40.1214 |
Low-tension glaucoma, right eye, indeterminate stage |
H40.1220 |
Low-tension glaucoma, left eye, unspecified stage |
H40.1221 |
Low-tension glaucoma, left eye, mild stage |
H40.1222 |
Low-tension glaucoma, left eye, moderate stage |
H40.1223 |
Low- tension glaucoma, left eye, severe stage |
H40.1224 |
Low-tension glaucoma, left eye, indeterminate stage |
H40.1230 |
Low-tension glaucoma, bilateral. stage unspecified |
H40.1231 |
Low-tension glaucoma. bilateral, mild stage |
H40.1232 |
Low-tension glaucoma, bilateral, moderate stage |
H40.1233 |
Low-tension glaucoma, bilateral, severe stage |
H40.1234 |
Low-tension glaucoma, bilateral, indeterminate stage |
379.31 | Aphakia |
H27.03 | Aphakia, bilateral |
H27.00 | Aphakia, unspecified eye |
H27.01 |
Aphakia, right eye |
H27.02 |
Aphakia, left eye |
365.02 | Anatomical narrow angle |
H40.039 | Anatomical narrow angle, unspecified eye |
379.21 | Vitreous degeneration |
H43.819 | Vitreous degeneration, unspecified eye |
H43.811 | Vitreous degeneration, right eye |
H43.812 |
Vitreous degeneration, left eye |
H43.813 |
Vitreous degeneration, bilateral |
362.56 | Macular puckering |
H35.379 | Puckering of macula, unspecified eye |
H35.371 | Puckering of macula, right eye |
H35.372 |
Puckering of macula, left eye |
H35.373 |
Puckering of macula, bilateral |
362.36 | Venous tributary (branch) occlusion |
H34.839 | Tnbutary (branch) rettnal vetn occluston, unspeofied eye |
H34.831 | Tributary (branch) retinal vein occlusion, right eye |
H34.832 |
Tributary (branch) retinal vein occlusion, left eye |
H34.833 |
Tributary (branch) retinal vein occlusion, bilateral |
361.00 | Retinal detachment with retinal defect, unspecified |
H33.009 | Unspecified retinal detachment with retinal break. unspecified eye |
H33.001 | Unspecified retinal detachment with retinal break, right eye |
H33.002 |
Unspecified retinal detachment with retinal break. left
eye |
H33.003 |
Unspecified retinal detachment with retinal break,
bilateral |
362.53 | Cystoid macular degeneration |
H35.359 | Cystoid macular degeneration, unspecified eye |
H35.351 | Cystoid macular degeneration, right eye |
H35.352 |
Cystoid macular degeneration, left eye |
H35.353 |
Cystoid macular degeneration, bilateral |
366.17 | Total or mature cataract |
H25.89 | Other age-related cataract |
365.52 | Pseudoexfoliation glaucoma |
H40.149 | Capsular glaucoma with pseudoexfoliation of lens, unspecified eye |
H40.141 | Capsular glaucoma with pseudoexfoliation of lens. right eye |
H40.142 |
Capsular glaucoma with pseudoexfoliation of lens, left eye |
H40.143 |
Capsular glaucoma with pseudoexfoliation of lens, bilateral |
366.9 | Unspecified cataract |
H26.9 | Unspecified cataract |
368.2 | Diplopia |
H53.2 | Diplopia |
373.00 | Blepharitis, unspecified |
H01.009 | Unspecified blepharitis unspecified eye, unspecified eyelid |
H01.001 | Unspecified blepharitis right upper eyelid |
H01.002 |
Unspecified blepharitis right lower eyelid |
H01.003 |
Unspecified blepharitis right eye, unspecified eyelid |
H01.004 |
Unspecified blepharitis leh upper eyelid |
H01.005 |
Unspecified blepharitis left lower eyelid |
H01.006 |
Unspecified blepharitis left eye, unspecified eyelid |
362.35 | Central retinal vein occlusion |
H34.819 | Central retinal vein occlusion, unspecified eye |
H34.811 | Central retinal vein occlusion, right eye |
H34.812 |
Central retinal vein occlusion, left eye |
H34.813 |
Central retinal vein occlusion, bilateral |
361.32 | Horseshoe tear of retina without detachment |
H33.319 | Horseshoe tear of retina without detachment, unspecified eye |
H33.311 |
Horseshoe tear of retina without detachment, right eye |
H33.313 |
Horseshoe tear of retina without detachment, bilateral |
362.54 | Macular cyst, hole, or pseudohole |
H35.349 | Macular cyst, hole, or pseudohole, unspecified eye |
H35.341 | Macular cyst, hole, or pseudohole, right eye |
H35.342 |
Macular cyst, hole, or pseudohole,left eye |
H35.343 |
Macular cyst, hole, or pseudohole, bilateral |
V43.1 | Lens |
Z96.1 | Presence of intraocular lens |
366.53 | After-cataract, obscuring vision |
H26.499 | 9 Other secondary cataract. unspecified eye |
H26.491 | Other secondary cataract, right eye |
H26.492 |
Other secondary cataract, left eye |
H26.493 |
Other secondary cataract, bilateral |
250.52 | Diabetes with ophthalmic manifestations, type II or unspecified type, uncontrolled |
E11.311 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with unspecified diabetic retinopathy with macular edema |
E11.319 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with unspecified diabetic retinopathy without macular edema |
E11.36 |
6 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
E11.39 |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other diabetic ophthalmic
complication |
E11.65 |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia |
364.00 | Acute and subacute iridocyclitis, unspecified |
H20.00 | Unspecified acute and subacute iridocyclitis |
368.44 | Other localized visual field defect |
H53.459 | Other localized visual field defect, unspecified eye |
H53.451 | Other localized visual field defect, right eye |
H53.452 |
Other localized visual field defect, left eye |
H53.453 |
Other localized visual field defect, bilateral |
371.00 | Corneal opacity, unspecified |
H17.9 | Unspecified corneal scar and opacity |
H17.89 | Other corneal scars and opacities |
371.57 | Endothelial corneal dystrophy |
H18.51 | Endothelial corneal dystrophy |
370.00 | Corneal ulcer, unspecified |
H16.009 | Unspecified corneal ulcer, unspecified eye |
H16.001 | Unspecified corneal ulcer, right eye |
H16.002 |
Unspecified corneal ulcer, left eye |
H16.003 |
Unspecified corneal ulcer, bilateral |
379.23 | Vitreous hemorrhage |
H43.13 | Vitreous hemorrhage, bilateral |
H43.10 | Vitreous hemorrhage, unspecified eye |
H43.11 |
Vitreous hemorrhage, right eye |
H43.12 |
Vitreous hemorrhage, left eye |
371.23 | Bullous keratopathy |
H18.13 | Bullous keratopathy, bilateral |
H18.11 | Bullous kertopathy, right eye |
H18.12 |
Bullous kertopathy, left eye |
374.30 | Ptosis of eyelid, unspecified |
H02.409 | Unspecified ptosis of unspecified eyelid |
H02.401 | Unspecified ptosis of right eyelid |
H02.402 |
Unspecified ptosis of left eyelid |
H02.403 |
Unspecified ptosis of bilateral eyelids |
918.1 | Cornea |
| The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category SOS |
A |
initial encounter |
B |
subsequent encounter |
S |
sequela |
S05.00X |
Injury of conjunctiva and corneal abrasion without
foreign body, unspecified eye |
S05.01X |
Injury of conjunctiva and corneal abrasion without
foreign body, right eye |
S05.02X |
Injury of conjunctiva and corneal abrasion without I foreign body, left eye |
V72.0 | Examination of eyes and vision |
Z01.00 | Encounter for examination of eyes and vision without abnormal findings |
Z01.01 | Encounter for examination of eyes and vision with abnormal findings |
377.10 | Optic atrophy, unspedfied |
H47.20 |
Unspecified optic atrophy |
238.2 | Skin |
D48.5 | Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of skin |
370.20 | Superficial keratitis, unspecified |
H16.109 | Unspecified superficial keratitis, unspecified eye |
H16.101 | Unspecified superficial keratitis, right eye |
H16.102 |
Unspecified superficial keratitis, left eye |
H16.103 |
Unspecified superficial keratitis, bilateral |
365.62 | Glaucoma associated with ocular inflammations |
H40.40X0 | Glaucoma secondary to eye inflammation, unspecified eye, stage unspecified |
H40.40X1 |
Glaucoma secondary to eye inflammation,
unspecified eye, mild stage |
H40.40X2 |
Glaucoma secondary to eye inflammation, unspecified eye, moderate stage |
H40.40X3 |
Glaucoma secondary to eye inflammation,
unspecified eye, severe stage |
H40.40X4 |
Glaucoma secondary to eye inflammation,
unspecified eye, indeterminate stage |
H40.41X0 |
Glaucoma secondary to eye inflammation, right eye, stage unspecified |
H40.41X1 |
Glaucoma secondary to eye inflammation, right eye,
mild stage |
H40.41X2 |
2 Glaucoma secondary to eye inflammation, right eye,
moderate stage |
H40.41X3 |
Glaucoma secondary to eye inflammation, right eye, severe stage |
H40.41X4 |
Glaucoma secondary to eye inflammation, right eye, indeterminate stage |
H40.42X0 |
Glaucoma secondary to eye inflammation, left eye,
stage unspecified |
H40.42X1 |
Glaucoma secondary to eye inflammation. left eye, mild stage |
H40.42X2 |
Glaucoma secondary to eye inflammation, left eye.
moderate stage |
H40.42X3 |
Glaucoma secondary to eye inflammation, left eye,
severe stage |
H40.42X4 |
Glaucoma secondary to eye inflammation, left eye,
indeterminate stage |
H40.43X0 |
Glaucoma secondary to eye inflammation, bilateral,
stage unspecified |
H40.43X1 |
Glaucoma secondary to eye inflammation, bilateral,
mild stage |
H40.43X2 |
Glaucoma secondary to eye inflammation, bilateral.
moderate stage |
H40.43X3 |
Glaucoma secondary to eye inflammation,bilateral,
severe stage |
H40.43X4 |
Glaucoma secondary to eye inflammation, bilateral,
indeterminate stage |
365.60 | Glaucoma associated with unspecified ocular disorder |
H40.50X0 | Glaucoma secondary to other eye disorders, unspecified eye, stage unspecified |
H40.50X1 | Glaucoma secondary to other eye disorders, unspecified eye. mild stage |
H40.50X2 |
Glaucoma secondary to other eye disorders, unspecified eye, moderate stage |
H40.50X3 |
Glaucoma secondary to other eye disorders,
unspecified eye, severe stage |
H40.50X4 |
4 Glaucoma secondary to other eye disorders,
unspecified eye,indeterminate stage |
H40.51X0 |
Glaucoma secondary to other eye disorders, right eye,
stage unspecified |
H40.51X1 |
Glaucoma secondary to other eye disorders, right eye,
mild stage |
H40.51X2 |
Glaucoma secondary to other eye disorders, right
eye, moderate stage |
H40.51X3 |
Glaucoma secondary to other eye disorders, right
eye, severe stage |
H40.51X4 |
Glaucoma secondary to other eye disorders, right eye, indeterminate stage |
H40.52X0 |
Glaucoma secondary to other eye disorders, left eye,
stage unspecified |
H40.52X1 |
Glaucoma secondary to other eye disorders, left eye,
mild stage |
H40.52X2 |
Glaucoma secondary to other eye disorders. left eye,
moderate stage |
H40.52X3 |
Glaucoma secondary to other eye disorders, left eye.
severe stage |
H40.52X4 |
Glaucoma secondary to other eye disorders, left eye,
indeterminate stage |
H40.53X0 |
Glaucoma secondary to other eye disorders, bilateral.
stage unspecified |
H40.53X1 |
Glaucoma secondary to other eye disorders, bilateral.
mild stage |
H40.53X2 |
Glaucoma secondary to other eye disorders, bilateral,
moderate stage |
H40.53X3 |
Glaucoma secondary to other eye disorders, bilateral,
severe stage |
H40.53X4 |
Glaucoma secondary to other eye disorders, bilateral.
indeterminate stage |
365.01 | Open angle with borderline findings, low risk |
H40.019 | Open angle with borderline findings, low risk, unspecified eye |
H40.011 | Open angle with borderline findings, low risk, right eye |
H40.012 |
Open angle with borderline findings, low risk, left eye |
H40.013 |
Open angle with borderline findings, low risk, bilateral |
368.9 | Unspecified visual disturbance |
H53.9 | Unspecified visual disturbance |
368.40 | Visual field defect, unspecified |
H53.40 | Unspecified visual field defects |
379.24 | Other vitreous opacities |
H43.399 | Other vitreous opacities, unspecified eye |
H43.391 | Other vitreous opacities, right eye |
H43.392 |
Other vitreous opacities, left eye |
H43.393 |
Other vitreous opacities, bilateral |
374.87 | Dermatochalasis |
H02.839 | Dermatochalasis of unspecified eye. unspecified eyelid |
H02.831 | Dermatochalasis of right upper eyelid |
H02.832 |
Dermatochalasis of right lower eyelid |
H02.833 |
Dermatochalasis of right eye, unspecified eyelid |
H02.834 |
Dermatochalasis of left upper eyelid |
H02.835 |
Dermatochalasis of left lower eyelid |
H02.836 |
Dermatochalasis of left eye, unspecified eyelid |
362.63 | Lattice degeneration |
H35.419 | Lattice degeneration of retina, unspecified eye |
H35.411 | Lattice degeneration of retina, right eye |
H35.412 |
Lattice degeneration of retina, left eye |
H35.413 |
Lattice degeneration of retina, bilateral |
379.91 | Pain in or around eye |
H57.13 | Ocular pain, bilatera |
H57.10 | Ocular pain, unspecified eye |
H57.11 |
Ocular pain, right eye |
H57.12 |
Ocular pain, left eye |
364.3 | Unspecified iridocyclitis |
H20.9 | Unspecified iridocyclitis |
371.20 | Corneal edema, unspecified |
H18.20 | Unspecified corneal edema |
784.0 | Headache |
G44.1 | Vascular headache, not elsewhere classified |
R51 | Headache |
365.63 | Glaucoma associated with vascular disorders |
H40.89 | Other specified glaucoma |
366.11 | Pseudoexfoliation of lens capsule |
H25.89 | Other age-related cataract |
997.99 | Other |
E89.89 | Other postprocedural endocrine and metabolic complications and disorders |
H59.091 | Other disorders of the right eye following cataract surgery |
H59.092 |
Other disorders of the left eye following cataract surgery |
H59.093 |
Other disorders of the eye following cataract surgery, bilateral |
H59.099 |
Other disorders of unspecified eye following cataract
surgery |
H59.88 |
Other intraoperative complications of eye and adnexa,
not elsewhere classified |
H59.89 |
Other postprocedural complications and disorders of
eye and adnexa, not elsewhere classified |
M96.89 |
Other intraoperative and postprocedural complications
and disorders of the musculoskeletal system |
365.23 | Chronic angle-closure glaucoma |
H40.2290 | Chronic angle-closure glaucoma, unspecified eye, I stage unspecified |
H40.2291 | Chronic angle-closure glaucoma, unspecified eye, mild stage |
H40.2292 |
Chronic angle-closure glaucoma. unspecified eye.
moderate stage |
H40.2293 |
Chronic angle-closure glaucoma. unspecified eye,
severe stage |
H40.2294 |
Chronic angle-closure glaucoma, unspecified eye,
indeterminate stage |
H40.2210 |
Chronic angle-closure glaucoma, right eye, stage
unspecified |
H40.2211 |
Chronic angle-closure glaucoma, right eye, mild stage |
H40.2212 |
Chronic angle-closure glaucoma, right eye, moderate stage |
H40.2213 |
Chronic angle-closure glaucoma, right eye. severe stage |
H40.2214 |
Chronic angle-closure glaucoma, nght eye, rndeterminate
stage |
H40.2220 |
Chronic angle-closure glaucoma, left eye, stage
unspecified |
H40.2221 |
Chronic angle-closure glaucoma, left eye, mild stage |
H40.2222 |
Chronic angle-closure glaucoma, left eye, moderate
stage |
H40.2223 |
Chronic angle-closure glaucoma, left eye, severe stage |
H40.2224 |
Chronic angle-closure glaucoma, left eye,
indeterminate stage |
H40.2230 |
Chronic angle-closure glaucoma, bilateral, stage
unspecified |
H40.2231 |
Chronic angle-closure glaucoma, bilateral, mild stage |
H40.2232 |
Chronic angle-closure glaucoma, bilateral, moderate
stage |
H40.2233 |
Chronic angle-closure glaucoma, bilateral , severe
stage |
H40.2234 |
Chronic angle-closure glaucoma, bilateral,
indeterminate stage |
362.16 | Retinal neovascularization NOS |
H35.059 | Retinal neovascularization, unspecified, unspecified eye |
H35.051 |
Retinal neovascularization, unspecified, right eye |
H35.052 |
Retinal neovascularization, unspecified, left eye |
H35.053 |
Retinal neovascularization, unspecified, bilateral |
374.05 | Trichiasis without entropion |
H02.059 | Trichiasis without entropian unspecified eye, unspecified eyelid |
H02.051 | Trichiasis without entropian right upper eyelid |
H02.052 |
Trichiasis without entropian right lower eyelid |
H02.053 |
Trichiasis without entropian right eye, unspecified eyelid |
H02.054 |
Trichiasis without entropian left upper eyelid |
H02.055 |
Trichiasis without entropian left lower eyelid |
H02.056 |
Trichiasis without entropian left eye, unspecified eyelid |
375.15 | Tear film insufficiency, unspecified |
H04.129 | Dry eye syndrome of unspecified lacrimal gland |
H04.121 | Dry eye syndrome of right lacrimal gland |
H04.122 |
Dry eye syndrome of left lacrimal gland |
H04.123 |
Dry eye syndrome of bilateral lacrimal glands |