Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine


Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine


ICD-9 to ICD-10 Crosswalk

The codes in these crosswalks were selected based on the most commonly used ICD-9 codes according to historical MedStar Health coding data and from professional coding associations, and are ordered by frequency of use. 

Not all the codes you need are contained in this list. For a comprehensive list of ICD-10 codes, use Diagnosis Assistant or the IMO Anywhere tool.

Code Description (ICD-9 codes are in blue)
769 Respiratory distress syndrome in newborn
P22.0 Respiratory distress syndrome in newborn
V30.00 Single liveborn born in hospital delivered without cesarean section

Document if newborn was delivered vaginally and/or if the place of birth is unspecified. ICD-10 options include the following:
Z38.2 Single liveborn infant, unspecified as to place of birth
Z38.00 Single liveborn infant, delivered vaginally
V30.01 Single liveborn born in hospital delivered by cesarean section

Noting location of birth is no longer required for this ICD-10 code.
Z38.01 Single liveborn infant, delivered by cesarean
765.19 Disorders relating to other preterm infants 2500 grams and over

Grams are no longer noted. Diagnosis is now documented as:
P07.30 Preterm newborn, unspecified weeks of gestation
765.18 Disorders relating to other preterm infants 2000-2499 grams
P07.18 Other low birth weight newborn, 2000-2499 grams
765.03 Disorders relating to extreme immaturity of infant 750-999 grams
P07.03 Extremely low birth weight newborn, 750-999 grams
765.29 37 or more completed weeks of gestation

There is no equivalent for 37 or more weeks of gestation in ICD-10.
763.4 Cesarean delivery affecting fetus or newborn
P03.40 Newborn (suspected to be) affected by Cesarean delivery
765.23 25-26 completed weeks of gestation
P07.24 Extreme immaturity of newborn, gestational age 25 completed weeks
P07.25 Extreme immaturity of newborn, gestational age 26 completed weeks
765.14 Disorders relating to other preterm infants 1000-1249 grams
P07.14 Other low birth weight newborn, 1000-1249 grams
765.17 Disorders relating to other preterm infants 1750-1999 grams
P07.17 Other low birth weight newborn, 1750-1999 grams
765.27 33-34 completed weeks of gestation
P07.36 Preterm newborn, gestational age 33 completed weeks
P07.37 Preterm newborn, gestational age 34 completed weeks
V31.01 Twin birth mate liveborn born in hospital delivered by cesarean section
Z38.31 Twin liveborn infant, delivered by cesarean
779.5 Drug withdrawal syndrome in newborn
P96.1 Neonatal withdrawal symptoms from maternal use of drugs of addiction
P96.2 Withdrawal symptoms from therapeutic use of drugs in newborn
765.28 35-36 completed weeks of gestation
P07.38 Preterm newborn, gestational age 35 completed weeks
P07.39 Preterm newborn, gestational age 36 completed weeks
775.6 Neonatal hypoglycemia
P70.3 Iatrogenic neonatal hypoglycemia
P70.4 Other neonatal hypoglycemia
765.16 Disorders relating to other preterm infants 1500-1749 grams
P07.16 Other low birth weight newborn, 1500-1749 grams
Feeding problems in newborn
P92.1 Regurgitation and rumination of newborn
P92.2 Slow feeding of newborn
Other feeding problems of newborn
Feeding problem of newborn, unspecified
Underfeeding of newborn
Overfeeding of newborn
Neonatal difficulty in feeding at breast
Meconium staining
P96.83 Meconium staining
765.02 Disorders relating to extreme immaturity of infant 500-749 grams
P07.02 Extremely low birth weight newborn, 500-749 grams
V33.00 Twin birth unspecified whether mate liveborn or stillborn born in hospital delivered without cesarean section
Z38.30 win liveborn infant, delivered vaginally
765.25 29-30 completed weeks of gestation
P07.32 Preterm newborn, gestational age 29 completed weeks
P07.33 Preterm newborn, gestational age 30 completed weeks
V29.0 Observation for suspected infectious condition
P00.2 Newborn (suspected to be) affected by maternal infectious and parasitic diseases
762.7 Chorioamnionitis affecting fetus or newborn
P02.7 Newborn (suspected to be) affected by chorioamnionitis
774.6 Unspecified fetal and neonatal jaundice

If known, note the cause of neonatal jaundice. ICD-10 options include:
P59.3 Neonatal jaundice from breast milk inhibitor
Neonatal jaundice from unspecified hepatocellular damage
Inspissated bile syndrome
Neonatal jaundice from other hepatocellular damage
Neonatal jaundice from other specified causes
Neonatal jaundice, unspecified
770.6 Transitory tachypnea of newborn
P22.1 Transitory tachypnea of newborn
763.82 Abnormality in fetal heart rate or rhythm during labor
P03.811 Newborn (suspected to be) affected by abnormality in fetal (intrauterine) heart rate or rhythm during labor