- Trimester:
- First < 14 weeks 0 days
- Second = 14 weeks 0 days to 28 weeks 0 days
- Third = 28 weeks 0 days to delivery
- N/A (unless there is a complication such as ectopic pregnancy)
- For multiple gestations, identify each fetus-fetus #1, fetus #2, etc.
- Preterm or postterm delivery
- Ongoing prepregnancy conditions-HTN, diabetes, or morbid obesity (include prepregnancy BMI)
Necessary Procedures
- Delivery-specify all procedures, including perineal laceration repair
- Abortion-specify if spontaneous or induced, complete or incomplete, successful or failed termination
- Associated conditions-sepsis, fetal death, etc.
- Hyperemesis gravidarium-onset prior to end of 20th week of gestation
- Early pregnancy = before 20 weeks; late pregnancy = after 20 weeks
- All associated complications-gestational diabetes, low weight gain, herpes gestationis, etc.
- Trimester of onset, trimester of resolution, and any postpartum complication time frame (delivery to 6 weeks)
- Current or history of tobacco, alcohol, drug use, abuse or dependence