IMO Anywhere


IMO Anywhere Job Aid

IMO Anywhere is a software application that generates a specific ICD-10 diagnosis code based on medical terminology. MSMHC and MMMC users will receive an email from IMO Anywhere with a username and password and instructions to log in. Other organizations will receive a separate communication in the coming weeks.

If you have questions about your IMO Anywhere account, please contact Staci Parks at 410-933-6863.

To access IMO Anywhere, visit You will be prompted to sign in to your account. 

  1. Type a diagnosis in the search bar, e.g., diabetes. The search text can be a clinical term, abbreviation or acronym, as well as an ICD-9 or ICD-10 code.
  2. Click the > button to modify the search terms and narrow the results.
  3. To generate a specific ICD-10 code, make selections in the modifier groups. The terms in the results list will narrow down as you make each selection.
  4. View the corresponding codes within the search results. Click "Copy" to open a window where codes can be easily selected, copied and then pasted in your records. Not available on smartphones.

Secondary codes are indicated by a + symbol. Click the "Copy" button to view ICD-9 and ICD-10 secondary codes. Not available on smartphones.

Hover over the R icon to display billing codes mapped to the HCC indicator. Not available on smartphones.
Hover over the RX icon to display billing codes mapped to the RXHCC indicator. Not available on smartphones.

Hover over a diagnosis to display the codes mapped to it. Not available on smartphones or tablets.

Click on a diagnosis to display the details view.