The codes in these crosswalks were selected based on the most commonly used ICD-9 codes according to historical MedStar Health coding data and from professional coding associations, and are ordered by frequency of use.
Not all the codes you need are contained in this list. For a comprehensive list of ICD-10 codes, use Diagnosis Assistant or the IMO Anywhere tool.
Code | Description (ICD-9 codes are in blue) |
401.9 | Essential hypertension, unspecified |
I10 | Essential (primary) hypertension |
250.00 | Diabetes mellitus without mention of complications type II or unspecified type, not stated as uncontrolled |
E11.9 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus without complications |
272.4 | Other and unspecified hyperlipidemia |
E78.4 | Other hyperlipidemia |
E78.5 | Hyperlipidemia, unspecified |
E78.0 |
Pure hypercholesterolemia |
E78.1 |
Pure hyperglyceridemia |
E78.2 |
Mixed hyperlipidemia |
E78.3 |
Hyperchylomicronemia |
E78.6 |
Lipoprotein deficiency |
V70.0 | Routine general medical examination at a health care facility |
Z00.00 | Encounter for general adult medical examination without abnormal findings |
Z00.01 | Encounter for general adult medical examination with abnormal findings |
** Use additional code to identify abnormal findings |
724.5 | Backache, unspecified |
M54.9 | Dorsalgia, unspecified |
M54.89 | Other dorsalgia |
M54.6 |
Pain in thoracic spine |
M54.5 |
Low back pain |
M53.3 |
Sacrococcygeal disorders, not elsewhere classified |
414.00 | Coronary atherosclerosis of unspecified type of vessel, native or graft |
I25.10 | Atherosclerotic heart disease of native coronary artery without angina pectoris |
V72.81 | Preoperative cardiovascular examination |
Z01.810 | Encounter for preprocedural cardiovascular examination |
780.79 | Other malaise and fatigue |
R53.1 | Weakness |
R53.81 | Other malaise |
R53.83 |
Other fatigue |
G93.3 |
Postviral fatigue syndrome |
R53.0 |
Neoplastic (malignant) related fatigue |
* Code first associated neoplasm |
496 | Chronic airway obstruction, not elsewhere classified |
J44.9 | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, unspecified |
J44.0 | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute lower respiratory infection |
J44.1 |
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with (acute)
exacerbation |
** Code also type of asthma, if applicable (J45.-) |
** Use additional code to identify: |
- Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z77.22) |
- History of tobacco use (Z87.891) |
- Occupational exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z57.31) |
- Tobacco dependence (F17.-) |
- Tobacco use (Z72.0) |
427.31 | Atrial fibrillation |
I48.0 | Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation |
I48.1 | Persistent atrial fibrillation |
I48.2 |
Chronic atrial fibrillation |
I48.91 |
Unspecified atrial fibrillation |
V04.81 | Need for prophylactic vaccination and inoculation, influenza |
Z23 | Encounter for immunization |
786.2 | Cough |
R05 | Cough |
311 | Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified |
F32.9 | Major depressive disorder, single episode, unspecified |
F32.0 | Major depressive disorder, single episode, mild |
F32.1 |
Major depressive disorder, single episode, moderate |
F32.2 |
Major depressive disorder, single episode, severe without
psychotic features |
F32.3 |
Major depressive disorder, single episode, severe with
psychotic features |
F32.4 |
Major depressive disorder, single episode, in partial remission |
F32.5 |
Major depressive disorder, single episode, in full remission |
F32.8 |
Other depressive episodes |
250.02 | Diabetes mellitus without mention of complications type II or unspecified type, uncontrolled |
E11.65 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia |
428.0 | Congestive heart failure, unspecified |
I50.9 | Heart failure, unspecified |
I50.1 | Left ventricular failure |
I50.21 |
Acute systolic (congestive) heart failure |
I50.22 |
Chronic systolic (congestive) heart failure |
I50.23 |
Acute on chronic systolic (congestive) heart failure |
I50.31 |
Acute diastolic (congestive) heart failure |
I50.32 |
Chronic diastolic (congestive) heart failure |
I50.33 |
Acute on chronic diastolic (congestive) heart failure |
I50.41 |
Acute combined systolic (congestive) and diastolic (congestive)
heart failure |
I50.42 |
Chronic combined systolic (congestive) and diastolic
(congestive) heart failure |
I50.43 |
Acute on chronic combined systolic (congestive) and
diastolic (congestive) heart failure |
729.5 | Pain in limb |
M79.609 | Pain in unspecified limb |
M79.601 | Pain in right arm |
M79.602 |
Pain in left arm |
M79.603 |
Pain in arm, unspecified |
M79.604 |
Pain in right leg |
M79.605 |
Pain in left leg |
M79.606 |
Pain in leg, unspecified |
M79.621 |
Pain in right upper arm |
M79.622 |
Pain in left upper arm |
M79.629 |
Pain in unspecified upper arm |
M79.631 |
Pain in right forearm |
M79.632 |
Pain in left forearm |
M79.639 |
Pain in unspecified forearm |
M79.641 |
Pain in right hand |
M79.642 |
Pain in left hand |
M79.643 |
Pain in unspecified hand |
M79.644 |
Pain in right finger(s) |
M79.645 |
Pain in left finger(s) |
M79.646 |
Pain in unspecified finger(s) |
M79.671 |
Pain in right foot |
M79.672 |
Pain in left foot |
M79.673 |
Pain in unspecified foot |
M79.674 |
Pain in right toe(s) |
M79.675 |
Pain in left toe(s) |
M79.676 |
Pain in unspecified toe(s) |
M79.651 |
Pain in right thigh |
M79.652 |
Pain in left thigh |
M79.659 |
Pain in unspecified thigh |
M79.661 |
Pain in right lower leg |
M79.662 |
Pain in left lower leg |
M79.669 |
Pain in unspecified lower leg |
782.1 | Rash and other nonspecific skin eruption |
R21 | Rash and other nonspecific skin changes |
786.50 | Chest pain, unspecified |
R07.9 | Chest pain, unspecified |
R07.1 | Chest pain on breathing |
R07.81 |
Pleurodynia |
R07.89 |
Other chest pain |
789.00 | Abdominal pain, unspecified site |
R10.9 | Unspecified abdominal pain |
R10.0 | Acute abdomen |
R10.10 |
Upper abdominal pain, unspecified |
R10.11 |
Right upper quadrant pain |
R10.12 |
Left upper quadrant pain |
R10.13 |
Epigastric pain |
R10.2 |
Pelvic and perineal pain |
R10.30 |
Lower abdominal pain, unspecified |
R10.31 |
Right lower quadrant pain |
R10.32 |
Left lower quadrant pain |
R10.33 |
Periumbilical pain |
R10.84 |
Generalized abdominal pain |
300.00 | Anxiety state, unspecified |
F41.1 | Generalized anxiety disorder |
F41.8 | Other specified anxiety disorders |
F41.9 |
Anxiety disorder, unspecified |
782.3 | Edema |
R60.0 | Localized edema |
R60.1 | Generalized edema |
R60.9 |
Edema, unspecified |
719.46 | Pain in joint, lower leg |
M25.561 | Pain in right knee |
M25.562 | Pain in left knee |
M25.569 |
Pain in unspecified knee |
V72.83 | Other specified preoperative examination |
Z01.818 | Encounter for other preprocedural examination |
780.4 | Dizziness and giddiness |
R42 | Dizziness and giddiness |
786.05 | Shortness of breath |
R06.02 | Shortness of breath |
466.0 | Acute bronchitis |
J20.9 | Acute bronchitis, unspecified |
J20.0 | Acute bronchitis due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae |
J20.1 |
Acute bronchitis due to Hemophilus influenzae |
J20.2 |
Acute bronchitis due to streptococcus |
J20.3 |
Acute bronchitis due to coxsackievirus |
J20.4 |
Acute bronchitis due to parainfluenza virus |
J20.5 |
Acute bronchitis due to respiratory syncytial virus |
J20.6 |
Acute bronchitis due to rhinovirus |
J20.7 |
Acute bronchitis due to echovirus |
J20.8 |
Acute bronchitis due to other specified organisms |
465.9 | Acute upper respiratory infections of unspecified site |
J06.9 | Acute upper respiratory infection, unspecified |
J39.8 | Other specified diseases of upper respiratory tract |
530.81 | Esophageal reflux |
K21.9 | Gastro-esophageal reflux disease without esophagitis |
K21.0 | Gastro-esophageal reflux disease with esophagitis |
724.4 | Thoracic or lumbosacral neuritis or radiculitis, unspecified |
M54.14 | Radiculopathy, thoracic region |
M54.15 | Radiculopathy, thoracolumbar region |
M54.16 |
Radiculopathy, lumbar region |
M54.17 |
Radiculopathy, lumbosacral region |
599.0 | Urinary tract infection, site not specified |
N39.0 | Urinary tract infection, site not specified |
| ** Use additional code (B95-B97)to identify infectious agent |
N30.00 |
Acute cystitis without hematuria |
N30.01 |
Acute cystitis with hematuria |
N30.10 | Interstitial cystitis (chronic) without hematuria |
N30.11 |
Interstitial cystitis (chronic) with hematuria |
N30.20 |
Other chronic cystitis without hematuria |
N30.21 |
Other chronic cystitis with hematuria |
N30.30 |
Trigonitis without hematuria |
N30.31 |
Trigonitis with hematuria |
N30.40 |
Irradiation cystitis without hematuria |
N30.41 |
Irradiation cystitis with hematuria |
N30.80 |
Other cystitis without hematuria |
N30.81 |
Other cystitis with hematuria |
N30.90 |
Cystitis, unspecified without hematuria |
N30.91 |
Cystitis, unspecified with hematuria |
N15.9 |
Renal tubule-interstitial disease, unspecified |
N34.1 |
Nonspecific urethritis |
N34.2 |
Other urethritis |
244.9 | Unspecified hypothyroidism |
E03.9 | Hypothyroidism, unspecified |
E03.0 | Congenital hypothyroidism with diffuse goiter |
E03.1 |
Congenital hypothyroidism without goiter |
E03.2 |
Hypothyroidism due to medicaments and other exogenous substances |
** Code first poisoning due to drug or toxin, if applicable (T36-T65 with fifth or sixth character 1-4 or 6) |
* Use additional code for adverse effect, if applicable, to identify
drug (T36-T5O with fifth or sixth character 5) |
E03.3 |
Postinfectious hypothyroidism |
E03.4 |
Atrophy of thyroid (acquired) |
E03.5 |
Myxedema coma |
E03.8 |
Other specified hypothyroidism |
380.4 | Impacted cerumen |
H61.21 | Impacted cerumen, right ear |
H61.22 | Impacted cerumen, left ear |
H61.23 |
Impacted cerumen, bilateral |
H61.20 |
Impacted cerumen, unspecified ear |
719.41 | Pain in joint, shoulder region |
M25.511 | Pain in right shoulder |
M25.512 | Pain in left shoulder |
M25.519 |
Pain in unspecified shoulder |
290.0 | Senile dementia, uncomplicated |
F03.9 | Unspecified dementia |
723.1 | Cervicalgia |
M54.2 | Cervicalgia |
787.91 | Diarrhea |
R19.7 | Diarrhea, unspecified |
285.9 | Anemia, unspecified |
D64.9 | Anemia, unspecified |
D64.0 | Hereditary sideroblastic anemia |
D64.1 |
Secondary sideroblastic anemia due to disease |
**Code first underlying disease |
D64.2 |
Secondary sideroblastic anemia due to drugs and toxins |
**Code first (T36-T65) to identify drug or toxin |
**Code first poisoning due to drug or toxin, if applicable (T36-
T65 with fifth or sixth character 1-4 or 6) |
*Use additional code for adverse effect, if applicable, to identify
drug (T36-T5O with fifth or sixth character 5) |
D64.3 |
Other sideroblastic anemia |
D64.81 |
Anemia due to antineoplastic chemotherapy |
D64.89 |
Other specified anemias |
461.9 | Acute sinusitis, unspecified |
J01.90 | Acute sinusitis, unspecified |
J01.00 | Acute maxillary sinusitis, unspecified |
J01.01 |
Acute recurrent maxillary sinusitis |
J01.10 |
Acute frontal sinusitis, unspecified |
J01.11 |
Acute recurrent frontal sinusitis |
J01.20 |
Acute ethmoidal sinusitis, unspecified |
J01.21 |
Acute recurrent ethmoidal sinusitis |
J01.30 |
Acute sphenoidal sinusitis |
J01.31 |
Acute recurrent sphenoidal sinusitis |
J01.40 |
Acute pansinusitits, unspecified |
J01.41 |
Acute recurrent pansinusitis |
J01.80 |
Other acute sinusitis |
J01.81 |
Other acute recurrent sinusitis, unspecified |
J01.91 |
Acute recurrent sinusitis, unspecified |
719.45 | Pain in joint, pelvic region and thigh |
M25.551 | Pain in right hip |
M25.552 | Pain in left hip |
M25.559 |
Pain in unspecified hip |
477.9 | Allergic rhinitis, cause unspecified |
J30.9 | Allergic rhinitis, unspecified |
J30.0 | Vasomotor rhinitis |
J30.1 |
Allergic rhinitis due to pollen |
J30.2 |
Other seasonal allergic rhinitis |
J30.95 |
Allergic rhinitis due to food |
J30.81 |
Allergic rhinitis due to animal (cat) (dog) hair and dander |
J30.89 |
Other allergic rhinitis |
784.0 | Headache |
R51 | Headache |
564.00 | Constipation, unspecified |
K59.00 | Constipation, unspecified |
K59.01 | Slow transit constipation |
K59.02 |
Outlet dysfunction constipation |
K59.09 |
Other constipation |
486 | Pneumonia, organism unspecified |
J18.9 | Pneumonia, unspecified organism |
J18.8 | Other pneumonia, unspecified organism |
** Code first associated influenza, if applicable (J09.X1, J10.0- to
J11.0-) |
338.4 | Chronic pain syndrome |
G89.4 | Chronic pain syndrome |
796.2 | Elevated blood pressure reading without diagnosis of hypertension |
R03.0 | Elevated blood-pressure reading, without diagnosis of hypertension |
780.2 | Syncope and collapse |
R55 | Syncope and collapse |
724.2 | Lumbago |
M54.5 | Low back pain |
493.90 | Asthma, unspecified |
J45.909 | Unspecified asthma, uncomplicated |
J45.20 | Mild intermittent asthma, uncomplicated |
J45.21 |
Mild intermittent asthma with (acute) exacerbation |
J45.22 |
Mild intermittent asthma with status asthmaticus |
J45.30 |
Mild persistent asthma, uncomplicated |
J45.31 |
Mild persistent asthma with (acute) exacerbation |
J45.32 |
Mild persistent asthma with status asthmaticus |
J45.40 |
Moderate persistent asthma, uncomplicated |
J45.41 |
Moderate persistent asthma with (acute) exacerbation |
J45.42 |
Moderate persistent asthma with status asthmaticus |
J45.50 |
Severe persistent asthma, uncomplicated |
J45.51 |
Severe persistent asthma with (acute) exacerbation |
J45.52 |
Severe persistent asthma with status asthmaticus |
J45.901 |
Unspecified asthma with (acute) exacerbation |
J45.902 |
Unspecified asthma with status asthmaticus |
J45.990 |
Exercise induced bronchospasm |
J45.991 |
Cough variant asthma |
J45.998 |
Other asthma |
* Use additional code to identify: |
- exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z77.22) |
- exposure to tobacco smoke in the perinatal period (P96.81) |
- history of tobacco use (Z87.891) |
- occupational exposure to environmental tobacco smoke
(Z57.31) |
- tobacco dependence (F17-) |
- tobacco use (Z72.0) |
682.6 | Cellulitis and abscess leg, except foot |
L03.115 | Cellulitis of right lower limb |
L03.116 | Cellulitis of left lower limb |
L03.119 |
Cellulitis of unspecified part of limb |
L03.125 |
Acute lymphangitis of right lower limb |
L03.126 |
Acute lymphangitis of left lower limb |
L03.129 |
Acute lymphangitis of unspecified part of limb |
462 | Acute pharyngitis |
J02.8 | Acute pharyngitis due to other specified organisms |
| **Use additional code (B95- B97) to identify infectious agent |
J02.0 |
Streptococcal pharyngitis |
J02.9 |
Acute pharyngitis, unspecified |
401.1 | Benign essential hypertension |
| It is important to note any of the following that are applicable. Other disorders may acompany hypertentension. These disorders should be noted. |
I15.1 | Hypertension secondary to other renal disorders |
I15.2 |
Hypertension secondary to endocrine disorders |
I15 |
Secondary hypertension |
O10 | Pre-existing hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium |
O11 |
Pre-existing hypertension with pre-eclampsia |
I15.0 |
Renovascular hypertension |
I15.9 |
Secondary hypertension, unspecified |
I97.3 |
Postprocedural hypertension |
K76.6 |
Portal hypertension |
I10 |
Essential (primary) hypertension |
584.9 | Acute kidney failure, unspecified |
| Document the accompanying condition with acute kidney failure if it can be determined. |
N17.0 | Acute kidney failure with tubular necrosis |
N17.1 |
Acute kidney failure with acute cortical necrosis |
N17.2 |
Acute kidney failure with medullary necrosis |
N17.8 |
Other acute kidney failure |
N17.9 |
Acute kidney failure, unspecified |
272.0 | Pure hypercholesterolemia |
E78.0 | Pure hypercholesterolemia |
V03.82 | Need for prophylactic vaccination and inoculation against streptococcus pneumoniae [pneumococcus] |
Z23 | Encounter for immunization |
790.29 | Other abnormal glucose |
| Note if other abnormal glucose or hyperglycemia. ICD-10 options include: |
R73.9 | Hyperglycemia, unspecified |
R73.09 |
Other abnormal glucose |
780.97 | Altered mental status |
| Documentation should detail if alterted mental status or disorientation. |
R41.0 | Disorientation, unspecified |
R41.82 |
Altered mental status, unspecified |
518.81 | Acute respiratory failure |
J96.90 | Respiratory failure, unspecified, unspecified whether with hypoxia or hypercapnia |
J96.01 | Acute respiratory failure with hypoxia |
J96.02 |
Acute respiratory failure with hypercapnia |
J96.91 |
Respiratory failure, unspecified with hypoxia |
J96.92 |
Respiratory failure, unspecified with hypercapnia |
J96.00 |
Acute respiratory failure, unspecified whether with hypoxia or hypercapnia |
585.6 | End stage renal disease |
N18.6 | End stage renal disease |
V20.2 | Routine infant or child health check |
| Document if encounter is for routine child health check with or without abnormal findings. ICD-10 options include: |
Z00.121 | Encounter for routine child health examination with abnormal findings |
Z00.129 |
Encounter for routine child health examination without abnormal findings |
434.91 | Cerebral artery occlusion unspecified with cerebral infarction |
| Multiple specific diagnosis choices are present under ICD-10 for Cerebral artery infarction. Documentation should note the specific cerebral artery (when possible) with an occlusion or stenosis and the laterality where applicable. Examples include: |
I63.511 | Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of right middle cerebral artery |
I63.512 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of left middle cerebral artery |
I63.519 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of unspecified middle cerebral artery |
I63.521 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of right anterior cerebral artery |
I63.522 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of left anterior cerebral artery |
I63.529 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of unspecified anterior cerebral artery |
I63.531 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of right posterior cerebral artery |
I63.532 |
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of left posterior cerebral artery |
338.11 | Acute pain due to trauma |
G89.11 | Acute pain due to trauma |
578.9 | Hemorrhage of gastrointestinal tract unspecified |
K92.2 | Hemorrhage of gastrointestinal tract unspecified |
491.21 | Obstructive chronic bronchitis with (acute) exacerbation |
J44.1 | Obstructive chronic bronchitis with (acute) exacerbation |
Code | Description (ICD-9 codes are in blue) |
805.2 | Closed fracture of dorsal (thoracic) vertebra without spinal cord injury |
| Document the type of fracture (wedge, burst, compression, or other). Note which thoracic vertebrae is affected. ICD-10 options include the following: |
S22.040A | Wedge compression fracture of fourth thoracic vertebra, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S22.041A |
Stable burst fracture of fourth thoracic vertebra, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S22.042A |
Unstable burst fracture of fourth thoracic vertebra, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S22.048A |
Other fracture of fourth thoracic vertebra, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S22.049A |
Unspecified fracture of fourth thoracic vertebra, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S22.050A |
Wedge compression fracture of T5-T6 vertebra, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S22.051A |
Stable burst fracture of T5-T6 vertebra, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S22.052A |
Unstable burst fracture of T5-T6 vertebra, initial encounter for closed fracture |
820.03 | Fracture of unspecified part of neck of femur closed |
| Documentation must specify the specific femur effected. Note laterality when possible. ICD-10 option include: |
S72.043A | Displaced fracture of base of neck of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.046A |
Nondisplaced fracture of base of neck of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.041A |
Displaced fracture of base of neck of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.042A |
Displaced fracture of base of neck of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.044A |
Nondisplaced fracture of base of neck of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.045A |
Nondisplaced fracture of base of neck of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
825.20 | Fracture of unspecified bone(s) of foot (except toes) closed |
S92.909A | Unspecified fracture of unspecified foot, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S92.901A | Unspecified fracture of right foot, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S92.902A |
Unspecified fracture of left foot, initial encounter for closed fracture |
805.4 | Closed fracture of lumbar vertebra without spinal cord injury |
| Level of lumbar fracture and the type, (wedge, stable burst, unstable burst, or other). Examples of the initial care for fracture types of 3rd lumbar vertebrae are shown below: |
S32.030A | Wedge compression fracture of third lumbar vertebra, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S32.031A |
Stable burst fracture of third lumbar vertebra, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S32.032A |
Unstable burst fracture of third lumbar vertebra, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S32.038A |
Other fracture of third lumbar vertebra, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S32.039A |
Unspecified fracture of third lumbar vertebra, initial encounter for closed fracture |
820.8 | Fracture of unspecified part of neck of femur closed |
S72.001A | Fracture of unspecified part of neck of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.002A | Fracture of unspecified part of neck of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S72.009A |
Fracture of unspecified part of neck of unspecified femur, initial encounter for closed fracture |
808.43 | Multiple closed pelvic fractures with disruption of pelvic circle |
S32.810A | Multiple fractures of pelvis with stable disruption of pelvic ring, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S32.811A | Multiple fractures of pelvis with unstable disruption of pelvic ring, initial encounter for closed fracture |
808.49 | Closed fracture of other specified part of pelvis |
S32.89XA | Fracture of other parts of pelvis, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S32.9XXA | Fracture of unspecified parts of lumbosacral spine and pelvis, initial encounter for closed fracture |
807.00 | Closed fracture of rib(s) unspecified |
| Document the number of ribs fractured if known. Also note laterality. ICD-10 options include: |
S22.39XA | Fracture of one rib, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S22.31XA |
Fracture of one rib, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S22.32XA |
Fracture of one rib, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S22.41XA |
Multiple fractures of ribs, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S22.42XA |
Multiple fractures of ribs, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S22.43XA |
Multiple fractures of ribs, bilateral, initial encounter for closed fracture |
814.00 | Closed fracture of carpal bone unspecified |
S62.109A | Fracture of unspecified carpal bone, unspecified wrist, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S62.101A | Fracture of unspecified carpal bone, right wrist, initial encounter for closed fracture |
S62.102A |
Fracture of unspecified carpal bone, left wrist, initial encounter for closed fracture |
733.16 | Pathological fracture of tibia or fibula |
| Document type of fracture (pathological, age related) with or without osteoporosis and the nature of the osteoporosis. Note laterality. ICD-10 options include: |
M80.869A | Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, unspecified lower leg, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.871A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right ankle and foot, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.872A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left ankle and foot, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.879A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, unspecified ankle and foot, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.461A |
Pathological fracture, right tibia, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.462A |
Pathological fracture, left tibia, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.463A |
Pathological fracture, right fibula, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.464A |
Pathological fracture, left fibula, initial encounter for fracture |
733.14 | Pathological fracture of neck of femur |
| Document type of fracture (pathological, age related) with or without osteoporosis and the nature of the osteoporosis. Note laterality. ICD-10 options include: |
M80.031A | Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right forearm, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.032A | Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, leftt forearm, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.039A | Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, unspecified forearm, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.551A | Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, right femur, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.552A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, left femur, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.553A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, unspecified femur, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.559A |
Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, hip, unspecified, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.651A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, right femur, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.652A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, left femur, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.653A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, unspecified femur, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.659A |
Pathological fracture in other disease, hip, unspecified, initial encounter for fracture |
733.11 | Pathological fracture of humerus |
| Document type of fracture (pathological, age related) with or without osteoporosis and the nature of the osteoporosis. Note laterality. ICD-10 options include: |
M80.021A | Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right humerus, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.022A | Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left humerus, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.029A |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, unspecified humerus, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.821A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right humerus, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.822A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left humerus, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.829A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, unspecified humerus, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.421A |
Pathological fracture, right humerus, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.422A |
Pathological fracture, left humerus, initial encounter for fracture |
733.12 | Pathological fracture of distal radius and ulna |
| Document type of fracture (pathological, age related) with or without osteoporosis and the nature of the osteoporosis. Note laterality. ICD-10 options include: |
M80.031A | Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right forearm, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.032A | Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left forearm, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.039A | Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, unspecified forearm, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.831A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right forearm, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.832A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left forearm, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.839A |
Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, unspecified forearm, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.431A |
Pathological fracture, right ulna, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.432A |
Pathological fracture, left ulna, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.433A |
Pathological fracture, right radius, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.434A |
Pathological fracture, left radius, initial encounter for fracture |
733.13 | Pathologic fracture of vertebrae unspecified site |
| It is important to note if vertebra is collapsed, if fracture is age related, or related to another disease. Must note the region of the fracture. A sample of available codes is below. |
M84.68XA | Pathological fracture in other disease, other site, initial encounter for fracture |
M48.51XA |
Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified, occipito-atlanto-axial region, initial encounter for fracture |
M48.52XA |
Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified, cervical region, initial encounter for fracture |
M48.53XA |
Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified, cervicothoracic region, initial encounter for fracture |
733.90 | Disorder of bone and cartilage, unspecified |
Note if disorder of bone, cartilage, or bone density and structure. Note site and laterality when possible. A sample of codes bearing out more specificity are below. |
M89.129 | Physeal arrest, humerus, unspecified |
M89.139 |
Physeal arrest, forearm, unspecified |
M89.159 |
Physeal arrest, femur, unspecified |
M89.169 |
Physeal arrest, lower leg, unspecified |
M89.18 |
Physeal arrest, other site |
M89.121 |
Complete physeal arrest, right proximal humerus |
M89.122 |
Complete physeal arrest, left proximal humerus |
M89.123 |
Partial physeal arrest, right proximal humerus |
M89.124 |
Partial physeal arrest, left proximal humerus |
M89.9 |
Disorder of bone, unspecified |
M94.9 |
Disorder of cartilage, unspecified |
M85.9 |
Disorder of bone density and structure, unspecified |
256.31 | Premature menopause |
E28.310 | Symptomatic premature menopause |
E28.319 | Asymptomatic premature menopause |
627.2 | Symptomatic menopausal or female climacteric states |
N95.1 | Symptomatic menopausal or female climacteric states |
135 | Sarcoidosis |
D86.9 | Sarcoidosis, unspecified |
D86.0 | Sarcoidosis of lung |
D86.1 |
Sarcoidosis of lymph nodes |
D86.85 |
Sarcoid myocarditis |
D86.86 |
Sarcoid arthropathy |
D86.87 |
Sarcoid myositis |
D86.89 |
Sarcoidosis of other sites |
V58.69 | Long term (current) use of other medications |
Z79.891 | Long term (current) use of opiate analgesic |
Z79.899 | Other long term (current) drug therapy |
Z79.3 |
Long term (current) use of hormonal contraceptives |
268.9 | Unspecified vitamin D deficiency |
| It is important to note if vitamin D deficiency is due to osteomalacia or rickets. ICD-10 options include: |
E55.9 | Vitamin D deficiency, unspecified |
268.2 | Osteomalacia unspecified |
M83.9 | Adult osteomalacia, unspecified |
M83.0 | Puerperal osteomalacia |
M83.1 |
Senile osteomalacia |
M83.2 |
Adult osteomalacia due to malabsorption |
M83.3 |
Adult osteomalacia due to malnutrition |
M83.4 |
Aluminum bone disease |
M83.5 |
Other drug-induced osteomalacia in adults |
M83.8 |
Other adult osteomalacia |
275.3 | Disorders of phosphorus metabolism |
| Documentation should specify if disorders of the phosphorus are familial, hereditary, or other. ICD-10 options include the following: |
E83.30 | Disorder of phosphorus metabolism, unspecified |
E83.31 |
Familial hypophosphatemia |
E83.32 |
Hereditary vitamin D-dependent rickets (type 1) (type 2) |
E83.39 |
Other disorders of phosphorus metabolism |
733.19 | Pathological fracture of other specified site |
| It is important to note if vertebra is collapsed, if fracture is age related, or related to another disease. Must note the region of the fracture. A sample of available codes is below. |
M84.411A | Pathological fracture, right shoulder, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.412A | Pathological fracture, left shoulder, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.419A | Pathological fracture, unspecified shoulder, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.441A |
Pathological fracture, right hand, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.442A |
Pathological fracture, left hand, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.443A |
Pathological fracture, unspecified hand, initial encounter for fracture |
M84.444A |
Pathological fracture, right finger(s), initial encounter for fracture |
M84.445A |
Pathological fracture, left finger(s), initial encounter for fracture |
M84.446A |
Pathological fracture, unspecified finger(s), initial encounter for fracture |
M80.041A |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right hand, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.042A |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left hand, initial encounter for fracture |
M80.049A |
Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, unspecified hand, initial encounter for fracture |
268.0 | Rickets active |
E55.0 | Rickets active |
733.00 | Osteoporosis unspecified |
| Document if age-related and if with or without current pathological fracture. |
M81.0 | Age-related osteoporosis without current pathological fracture |
733.01 | Senile osteoporosis |
| No longer documented as Senile. |
M81.0 | Age-related osteoporosis without current pathological fracture |
733.03 | Disuse osteoporosis |
| No longer documented as Disuse osteoporosis. Maps to a more general code. Note with or without pathological fracture. |
M81.8 | Other osteoporosis without current pathological fracture |
733.09 | Other osteoporosis |
| Note if age related, with or without pathological fractures, and if condition is localized. |
M81.8 | Other osteoporosis without current pathological fracture |
M81.6 |
Localized osteoporosis [Lequesne] |
733.02 | Idiopathic osteoporosis |
| Idiopathic osteoporosis translates to a more general code. However, it is important to document if osteoporosis is age related and if there are pathological fractures involved. |
M81.8 | Other osteoporosis without current pathological fracture |
256.39 | Other ovarian failure |
E28.39 | Other primary ovarian failure |
E28.310 | Symptomatic premature menopause |
E28.19 |
Asymptomatic premature menopause |
E28.2 |
Polycystic ovarian syndrome |
Code | Description (ICD-9 codes are in blue) |
255.41 | Glucocorticoid deficiency |
Document if Addisonian crisis, primary adrenocoritical insufficiency or drug-induced adrenocortical insufficiency. |
E27.1 | Primary adrenocortical insufficiency |
E27.2 | Addisonian crisis |
E27.40 |
Unspecified adrenocortical insufficiency |
E27.3 |
Drug-induced adrenocortical insufficiency |
E27.49 |
Other adrenocortical insufficiency |
E89.6 |
Postprocedural adrenocortical (-medullary) hypofunction |
250.62 | diabetes with neurological manifestations, type II or unspecified type, uncontrolled |
Note if type 2 diabetes with diabetic neuropathy or with hyperglycemia. |
E11.40 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic neuropathy, unspecified |
E11.65 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia |
250.53 | Diabetes with ophthalmic manifestations, type I, uncontrolled |
Document if diabetic retinopathy with or without macular edema. Also note if diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract or diabetic ophthalmic complication. |
E10.311 | Type I diabetes mellitus with unspecified diabetic retinopathy with macular edema |
E10.319 | Type I diabetes mellitus with unspecified diabetic retinopathy without macular edema |
E10.36 |
Type I diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
E10.39 |
Type I diabetes mellitus with other diabetic ophthalmic complication |
250.42 | Diabetes with renal manifestations, type II or unspecified type, uncontrolled |
Note if type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic nephropathy or hyperglycemia. |
E11.21 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic nephropathy WITH |
E11.65 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia |
250.92 | Diabetes with unspecified complication, type ii or unspecified type, uncontrolled |
Document if other or unspecified hyperfunction of pituitary gland. If hyperfunction is known then its type should be noted. |
E11.8 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with unspecified complications |
E11.65 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia |
253.1 | Other and unspecified anterior pituitary hyperfunction |
Document if other or unspecified hyperfunction of pituitary gland. If hyperfunction is known then its type should be noted. |
E23.0 | Hypopituitarism |
E22.8 | Other hyperfunction of pituitary gland |
E22.9 |
Hyperfunction of pituitary gland, unspecified |
E23.6 |
Other disorders of pituitary gland |
E22.1 |
Hyperprolactinemia |
250.93 | Diabetes with unspecified complication, type I [juvenile type], uncontrolled |
Document if hyperglycemia is relevant and any other conditions accompanying type 1 diabetes mellitus. |
E10.8 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus with unspecified complications |
E10.65 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia |
253.7 | Iatrongenic pituitary disorders |
Under I-10 code differentiates between drug induced and post procedural hypopituitarism: |
E23.1 | Drug induced hypopituitarism |
E89.3 | Post procedural hypopituitarism |
250.63 | Diabetes with neurological manifestations, type I [juvenile type], uncontrolled |
Note if type 1 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia or diabetic neuropathy. |
E10.40 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic neuropathy, unspecified |
E10.65 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia |
250.52 | Diabetes with ophthalmic manifestations, type II or unspecified type, uncontrolled |
Document if diabetic retinopathy with or without macular edema. Also note if diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract or diabetic ophthalmic complication. |
E11.311 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with unspecified diabetic retinopathy with macular edema |
E11.319 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with unspecified diabetic retinopathy without macular edema |
E11.36 |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
E11.39 |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other diabetic ophthalmic complication |
E11.65 |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia |
255.0 | Cushing's Syndrome |
Note the specific type of cushing's syndrome. May be pituitary dependent, drug induced, ectopic, or others. |
E24.0 | Pituitary-dependent Cushing's disease |
E24.2 | Drug-induced Cushing's syndrome |
E24.3 |
Ectopic ACTH syndrome |
E24.8 |
Other Cushing's syndrome |
E24.9 |
Cushing's syndrome, unspecified |
E24.4 |
Alcohol induced pseudo-Cushing's syndrome |
255.2 | Adrenogenital disorders |
Document if congenital adrenogenital disorder associated with enzyeme deficiency or some other adrenogenital disorder. |
E25.0 | Congenital adrenogenital disorders associated with enzyme deficiency |
E25.8 | Other adrenogenital disorders |
E25.9 |
Adrenogenital disorder, unspecified |
250.50 | Diabetes with ophthalmic manifestations, type II or unspecified type, not stated as uncontrolled |
Document if diabetic retinopathy with or without macular edema. Also note if diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract or diabetic ophthalmic complication. |
E11.311 |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with unspecified diabetic retinopathy with macular edema |
E11.319 |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with unspecified diabetic retinopathy without macular edema |
E11.36 |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
E11.39 |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other diabetic ophthalmic complication |
250.51 | Diabetes with opthalmic manifestations, type I , not stated as uncontrolled |
Note if diabetes is unspecified and document the specific type of manifestation and site of manifestation. A sample of available codes is below: |
E11.311 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with unspecified diabetic retinopathy with macular edema |
E11.319 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with unspecified diabetic retinopathy without macular edema |
E11.36 |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract |
E11.39 |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other diabetic ophthalmic complication |
E11.321 |
Type 1 diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema |
E11.329 |
Type 1 diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema |
E11.331 |
Type 1 diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema |
E11.339 |
Type 1 diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema |
255.10 | Hyperaldosteronism NOS |
I-10 codes differentiate between other and unspecified. If hyperaldosteroism type can be determined then those specifics should be noted. |
E26.09 | Other primary hyperaldosteronism |
E26.9 | Hyperaldosteronism, unspecified |
253.9 | Unspecified disorder of the pituitary gland and its hypothalamic control |
2 new I-10 codes allows differentiation as to whether the disorder is in the pituitary or the hypothalumus. |
E23.3 | Hypothalamic dysfunction, not elsewhere classified |
E23.7 | Disorder of pituitary gland, unspecified |
258.8 | Other specified polyglandular dysfunction |
Document if multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome, or other polyglandular hyperfunction or dysfunction. |
E31.20 | Multiple endocrine neoplasia [MEN] syndrome, unspecified |
E31.8 | Other polyglandular dysfunction |
E31.1 |
Polyglandular hyperfunction |
780.79 | Other malaise and fatigue |
Document the specific nature of maliase and fatigue. Possibilities include postviral fatigue syndrom, weakness, or neoplastic related fatigue. |
G93.3 | Postviral fatigue syndrome |
R53.1 | Weakness |
R53.81 |
Other malaise |
R53.83 |
Other fatigue |
R53.0 |
Neoplastic (malignant) related fatigue |
250.80 | Diabetes with other specified manifestations, type II or unspecified type, not stated as controlled |
The new I-10 coding differentiates between specific manefestations and complications. It is important to note the complication and type of diabetes (Type II) or (Unspecified). A sample of these mappings is below. |
E11.630 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with periodontal disease |
E11.638 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other oral complications |
E11.649 |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycemia without coma |
E11.65 |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia |
E11.69 |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other specified complication |
E11.618 |
Other specified diabetes mellitus with other diabetic arthropathy |
E11.620 |
Other specified diabetes mellitus with diabetic dermatitis |
E11.621 |
Other specified diabetes mellitus with foot ulcer |
E11.622 |
Other specified diabetes mellitus with other skin ulcer |
250.72 | Diabetes with peripheral circulatory disorders, type II or unspecified type, uncontrolled |
Need to document with diabetic peripheral angiopathy without gangrene or with hyperglycemia. |
E11.51 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic peripheral angiopathy without gangrene |
E11.65 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia |
250.81 | Diabetes with other specified manifestations, type I, not stated as controlled |
Note specific manifestation or complication or if that manifestation is unspecified. |
E10.618 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus with other diabetic arthropathy |
E10.620 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic dermatitis |
E10.621 |
Type 1 diabetes mellitus with foot ulcer |
E10.622 |
Type 1 diabetes mellitus with other skin ulcer |
E10.628 |
Type 1 diabetes mellitus with other skin complications |
E10.630 |
Type 1 diabetes mellitus with periodontal disease |
E10.638 |
Type 1 diabetes mellitus with other oral complications |
E10.649 |
Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycemia without coma |
E10.65 |
Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia |
E10.69 |
Type 1 diabetes mellitus with other specified complication |
250.20 | Diabetes with hyperosmolarity, type Iior unspecified type, not stated as controlled |
Note if with or without hyperglycemic – hyperocmolar coma or with or without nonketotic hyperglycemic – hyperosmolar coma. |
E11.00 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolarity without nonketotic hyperglycemic-hyperosmolar coma (NKHHC) |
E11.01 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolarity with coma |
E13.00 |
Other specified diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolarity without nonketotic hyperglycemic-hyperosmolar coma (NKHHC) |
E13.01 |
Other specified diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolarity with coma |
250.73 | Diabetes with peripheral circulatory disorders, type I, uncontrolled |
Document if with diabetic peripheral angiopathy without gangrene or with hyperglycemia. |
E10.51 | Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic peripheral angiopathy without gangrene |
E10.65 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia |
250.12 | Diabetes with ketoacidosis, type II or unspecified type , uncontrolled |
Note if with hyperglycemia or with ketoacidosis. |
E11.65 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia |
E11.69 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other specified complication |
E13.10 |
Other specified diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis without coma |
250.32 | Diabetes with other coma, type II or unspecified type, uncontrolled |
Document if with hyperosmolarity or hyperglycemia. |
E11.01 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolarity with coma |
E11.65 | Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia |