Phase 3: Ideate


Mental Benchmarking

Many of the basic issues we face are common to other industries and settings if we state them in plain language and remove the healthcare jargon. Thinking about how other industries approach these common issues opens our mind to new possibilities. If we can connect our issues with others' mental models, assumptions and approaches, we might generate an innovative idea.

Background Information


The aim is to generate a dozen or more ideas, without judgment or censoring, by adapting practices, approaches and insights from other industries to help address the challenges we face. This is divergent thinking. We are striving for variety and looking for creative connections.

Mental Benchmarking involves five steps that stimulate the mental actions of attention, escape and movement common to all ideation tools:

Capture all ideas without censoring. Write them down on a piece of paper or a flip-chart pad. Even better, write each idea on a separate card or adhesive note, as this will make it easier to group and theme ideas later.


  • Stress the guidelines of brainstorming: criticism is ruled out, go for quantity, encourage wild ideas, and build on the ideas of others.
  • Laughter is a natural physiological reaction to a novel connection in the mind. Expect that others might initially laugh at ideas borrowed from other industries or settings ("A drive-through window in a hospital like the one in those fast-food restaurants!?! You must be joking!) Rather than being discouraged, take this initial reaction as a signal that the idea is potentially creative! Stick with it, really think about it, and you may find that it is not such a crazy idea after all.

  • All methods of creative idea generation involve some combination of mental attention, escape and movement. Mental benchmarking involves escaping the thinking of the healthcare industry, paying attention to how other industries address similar issues, and then moving to adapt their practices to our settings and needs.