Phase 2: Engage



Thinking differently is about generating new ideas. Implemented and sustained change is the ultimate goal. Unless you are working on a very small problem that is totally within your control, engaging others to work with you is essential if you are to achieve that goal.

By "engaging" we do not mean simply telling others what to do and expecting them to just do it. That approach does not often lead to sustainable change. Rather, when we at MI2 say “engaging” we mean leading others in a thinking process that allows them to be a part of the innovation effort.

Think of it this way: Whose idea would you rather spend your time and effort working on, your idea or someone else’s?

Inviting others to contribute to the thinking that led to a new idea creates a cadre of people who feel, in some measure, that the idea is their idea.

So, this module is an invitation to pause in all phases of the creative problem-solving journey. You should not be on this journey alone. 

The three sections in this module will cover identifying, preparing and managing partners. Read through the three sections to get a sense of the whole, and then refer back to each as you begin thinking about whom, when, and how you want to engage others.